

Shenzhen Jinshikang Technology Co., SL.

urtean sortu zen 2015, irudiak eskuratzeko industrian zentratuz. Goi-teknologiako konpainia bat da., Ltd. integratuz R & D,ekoizpena eta salmenta

Kamera-moduluaren ekipamenduen soluzio eta hornitzaile nagusia gara. Jinshikang-ek aurpegiak ezagutzeko makinei laguntzen die, makina biometrikoak, segurtasun ateak, zirkuitu itxiko zaintza kamerak, sarbide-kontrol adimenduna, robot adimendunak, eta sareko kamerak, paregabeko laguntza teknikoa eta profesionaltasuna Knowledge Assurance Device eskaintzea

we are a camera module factory engaged in 10 years, we can do USB camera modules |high frame rate global exposure object recognition auto focus face recognition biosafetyindustrial control medical vision 5G artificialintelligence sensor | VR 2K 4K 8K HDR ahd duallens Module HD USB Camera Module Manufacturer

Our Story

Recently, we signed a cooperation agreementwith a Canadian facial recognition machinecompany. Jinshikang provided it with a full-process service system for camera moduleproofing-customization.

The Canadian account manager expressedthe hope that through this equipment upgrade, the market competitiveness of the company’s products will be improved.

Meet the Team

Principal Member

Shenzhen Jinshikang


Years of Experience


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Support customized service

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