2mp/1080P, anti-backlight/long-distance face recognition camera module usb can be used in video doorbell JSK-S8130-V1.1
2mp/1080P, anti-backlight/long-distance face recognition camera module usb can be used in video doorbell JSK-S8130-V1.1
2mp/1080P, anti-backlight/long-distance face recognition camera module usb can be used in video doorbell JSK-S8130-V1.1
Jinshikang Technology provides the most complete industry-leading products and services for industrial cameras, robot cameras, facial recognition devices, and camera model solutions. As a customer of Jinshikang, you can rest assured that your automation products are protected by Jinshikang’s “service first” guarantee: as long as you use them, our products will be maintained for life -365 days a year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. At Jinshikang Technology, we are committed to creating opportunities to help manufacturers maximize efficiency, reliability, quality, and profitability, thereby enhancing their competitiveness. Whether you are a small or large manufacturer, we have solutions that meet your specific needs. We invite you to explore the possibilities of solutions for Jinshikang camera modules – please visit our website https://cameraeexpert.com
Informazio Gehigarria
Ebazpena | 2592 (H) x 1944 (V) |
Aplikazio | Kanpoan, Barruan |
Gama dinamiko zabala | ≥105dB |
S/N erlazioa | ≥41dB |
Bideo formatua | MJPG/YUY2 |
AEC/AGC/White Balance | Autoa |
Objektu Distantzia | 50-150cm |
Bideo Ebazpena | 30fps@1080P |
Irudi-sentsorea | 1/2.5" CMOS |
Produktuaren izena | JSK-S8130-V3.0 USB Camera Module |
Laguntza pertsonalizatua | Softwarearen biringeniaritza, Customized logo, Lineako laguntza teknikoa |
Datuak gordetzeko aukerak | Full HD |
Sarea | USB |
Bideo-konpresioaren formatua | MJPG |
Funtzioa | Built-in Mic, GAUEKO IKUSPEGIA, Angelu Zabala, Built-in Siren |
Estiloa | USB camera module |
Sentsore | CMOS |
Ezaugarri bereziak | Aurpegiak hautematea, GAUEKO IKUSPEGIA, Built-in Siren, Aurpegi-ezagutza, Face recognition |
Bermea | 1 Urtea |
Modelo zenbakia | JSK-S8130-V3.0(B01) |
Marka Izena | Jinshikang |
Jatorri lekua | Guangdong, Txina |
5MP CMOS Face recognition Video intercom | 1080P Wide Dynamic Range access control USB2.0 Camera Module |
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