Shenzhen Jinshikang Technology Joins Forces with Leading German Facial Recognition Innovator, Pioneering a New Era in Camera Module Technology
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Technológia Shenzhen Jinshikang spája svoje sily s popredným nemeckým inovátorom v oblasti rozpoznávania tváre, Priekopník novej éry v technológii kamerových modulov

In recent news, Shenzhen Jinshikang Technology Co., Ltd., a prominent player in the technology landscape of Shenzhen, Čína, has established a strategic partnership with a distinguished German enterprise specializing in facial recognition technology. This groundbreaking collaboration signifies a momentous advancement for Jinshikang, catapulting it into the forefront of artificial intelligence and visual recognition technology. The German enterprise commands a paramount position in the global arena of facial recognition robotics,…

Shenzhen Jinshikang Technology Partners with Top European Surveillance Camera Manufacturer to Shape a New Era of Intelligent Security
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Shenzhen Jinshikang Technology sa spojila s popredným európskym výrobcom sledovacích kamier, aby vytvorili novú éru inteligentnej bezpečnosti

In a recent announcement, Shenzhen Jinshikang Technology Co., Ltd., based in China, revealed a profound strategic collaboration with a renowned surveillance camera manufacturer from Europe, marking a significant stride towards advancing the research and application of facial recognition technology within surveillance camera modules. Together, the two entities are dedicated to crafting intelligent and efficient security monitoring solutions. Shenzhen Jinshikang Technology Co., Ltd. stands as a pioneer in the domestic

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